Leveraging AI to streamline the private jet booking process and source the most competitive flight options.
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Confirm your choice & enjoy your flight!
Instantly see potentially available jets and their estimated charter
The shown estimates are a result of sophisticated algorithms and a
proprietary AI engine, trained with 8 years of historical pricing data
to ensure exceptional accuracy.(Our AI approach is unique. Others
overshoot prices by 30-80%, making them unreliable)
Our pricing intelligence engine is currently in its Alpha stage, getting
smarter with each search, every day. We're dedicated to simplifying
private jet bookings, striving towards an experience as effortless as
booking an Uber. While we're not quite at an 'Uber-like' level of
predictability and regional coverage yet, we're on our way, and we
appreciate your patience with any less-than-perfect experience in the
JetClass’ concierge-ops team ensures best service pre- to
Select the best aircraft offer that aligns with your needs. Once you've
made your choice, secure the aircraft by completing the payment
Your flight confirmation is just the beginning. Expect personalised
travel itineraries, seamless ground transfers and access to coveted
events. We meticulously plan everything, including elite dining
experiences and special in-flight amenities, while managing all aspects
of your travel lifestyle. This ensures your journey with JetClass is not
only distinguished but also fully attuned to your preferences.
Full on-demand jet charter at your own schedule on a safe hand-picked aircraft. Real-time pricing and availability. Bookings up to 4hrs prior departure, free cancellations 24hrs prior departure.